LEG REG REVIEW is a periodic newsletter produced by PHILLIPS ASSOCIATES, a professional lobbying and consultant firm located near the State Capitol. It contains news on the legislative and regulatory scene in Pennsylvania that may be of interest to the Insurance and Business Communities. It is a free member benefit for those who are members of the Pennsylvania Association of Health Underwriters (PAHU). Subscription information may be obtained by contacting PHILLIPS ASSOCIATES at 717/728-1217 FAX 717/232-7005 or e-mail to xenobun@aol.com. Please email jtrout2792@aol.com supplying both your name and e-mail address if you wish to be removed from or added to this list.
On January 12, Tom Wolf announced his intent to nominate Teresa Miller, a former HHS Patient Protection Affordable Care Act (PPACA) official as PA Insurance Commissioner, replacing Michael Consedine who served in that capacity during the Corbett Administration. Miller, currently a partner in the Washington, DC law firm of Crowell Moring, was acting director of the State exchanges Group, the Oversight Group, and the Insurance Programs Group at the Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services’ Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight. This means that she was a key architect of many of the implementation rules governing federally-facilitates marketplace (exchange) and state-based exchanges. Prior to that she served as Oregon’s top insurance regulator and was responsible for the early stages of setting up Oregon’s compliance with PPACA. Her nomination must be confirmed by the Senate.