GPAHU Legislative Update April 05th 2018

Legislative Floor Action for the Week of March 26


  • The House was not in session the week of March 26.


  • SB 257, PN 1596 (Ward) – Amends The Insurance Company Law establishing the Quality Eye Care for Insured Pennsylvanians Act. Requires that health insurers allow an insured to use in-network vision care providers but use out-of-network vision care suppliers for materials and optical laboratories and requires insurers to allow vision care providers to opt out of discount programs as long as they provide written disclosure to the insured that they have opted out of the discount program. Provides the Insurance Commissioner, at the commissioner’s discretion, to assess penalties for violations of this act in accordance with Pennsylvania Health Care Insurance Portability Act and the Unfair Insurance Practices Act. Further provides the Insurance Department may promulgate regulations as may be necessary or appropriate to implement act. This bill received first consideration on Tuesday, March 27.

Bill text:


  • SB 1091, PN 1576 (Martin) – Amends Title 75 (Vehicles), in registration of vehicles, establishing the Pediatric Cancer Research Fund and providing that within one year of the effective date of the bill, the Department of Transportation will provide for the ability of a person renewing a driver’s license or identification card electronically to make a $5 contribution to the fund. Lays out guidelines for use of funds collected. This bill received first consideration on Monday, March 26 and second consideration on Tuesday, March 27.

Bill Text:


  • HB 126, PN 2004 (Baker) – The Epinephrine Auto-Injector Entity Act provides for the use and stock of epinephrine auto-injectors by recreation camps, colleges and universities, day-care facilities, youth sports leagues, amusement parks, restaurants, places of employment, and sports arenas. Requires completed training by employees of eligible institutions before administration and provides Good Samaritan protections. Also allows training to be conducted by a health care practitioner employed or contracted by an authorized entity. This bill received second consideration on Tuesday, March 27.

Bill Text:


  • HB 1869, PN 2592 (Mackenzie) – The Maternal Mortality Review Act establishes the Maternal Mortality Review Committee to conduct a multidisciplinary review of maternal deaths and develop recommendations for the prevention of future maternal deaths and provides for its powers and duties; provides for duties of the Department of Health; and imposes a penalty. This bill received second consideration on Monday, March 26. 

Bill Text:

Agency Meetings and Notices

  • Department of Health

Tuesday, April 3, 10:00 am, Dixon University Center, 2986 North Second Street, Administrative Building, Harrisburg

Rare Disease Advisory Council Meeting

For additional information: 717 787 6214


  • Department of Human Services

Wednesday, April 4, 10:00 am, Department of Education, Honors Suite, 1st Floor, 333 Market Street, Harrisburg

Managed Long-Term Services & Supports Subcommittee Meeting

For additional information: 717 772 2549


  • Request for Input on Opportunities to Coordinate Licensing, Certification, and Incident Management Conducted by the Departments of Human Services, Health, Drug and Alcohol Programs, and Aging

The Departments of Human Services, Health, Drug and Alcohol Programs, and Aging regulate a variety of health and human services providers in order to protect the health and safety of Pennsylvanians. Among our regulatory activities, we license or certify providers and conduct incident management, as required by state and federal law. Our departments are currently reexamining our processes to identify opportunities to coordinate our efforts in order to streamline the licensing, certification, and incident management process and increase efficiencies for providers and the commonwealth, while maintaining and enhancing the quality of our licensing and certification activities and of the providers we regulate. As part of this process, we are seeking input from stakeholders of the Departments of Human Services, Health, Drug and Alcohol Programs, and/or Aging on the following questions. These questions are focused on providers, but we welcome feedback from advocates and other stakeholders. Please provide as much detail as possible in your responses.

Please send responses to by April 30, 2018.

  1. Which of the following commonwealth agencies do you interact with for licensing and certification: the Departments of Human Services, Health, Drug and Alcohol Programs, and/or Aging?  Please identify the specific license or certificate types you have.
  2. Which of the following commonwealth agencies do you interact with when you must report an incident that took place at your facility/agency: the Departments of Human Services, Health, Drug and Alcohol Programs, and/or Aging?  This could include incidents required to be reported per licensing regulations, or home and community based (waiver) programs.
  3. What works well in interacting with multiple commonwealth agencies on licensing, certification, and incident management activities?
  4. What challenges do you experience in interacting with multiple commonwealth agencies on licensing, certification, and incident management activities? If possible, please identify whether the challenges are caused by statutory or regulatory requirements, policy or operational guidance, or agency processes or technology.
  5. What opportunities do you see for the commonwealth to streamline your experience interacting with multiple commonwealth agencies on licensing, certification, and incident management activities?

PA Bulletin

  • Department of Human Services

An error occurred in the notice published at 48 Pa.B. 1786 (March 24, 2018). The Implementing Year 2017-18 cost in the MA—Academic Medical Centers line item entry was incorrect. The fiscal note is corrected as follows.

Fiscal Note: 14-NOT-1214. (1) General Fund; (7) MA—Academic Medical Centers; (2) Implementing Year 2017-18 is $1,550,000; (3) 1st Succeeding Year 2018-19 through 5th Succeeding Year 2022-23 are $0; (4) 2016-17 Program—$21,181,000; 2015-16 Program—$17,431,000; 2014-15 Program—$17,431,000; (7) MA—Physician Practice Plans; (2) Implementing Year 2017-18 is $500,000; (3) 1st Succeeding Year 2018-19 through 5th Succeeding Year 2022-23 are $0; (4) 2016-17 Program—$10,071,000; 2015-16 Program—$9,571,000; 2014-15 Program—$9,071,000; (7) MA—Fee-for-Service; (2) Implementing Year 2017-18 is $460,000; (3) 1st Succeeding Year 2018-19 through 5th Succeeding Year 2022-23 are $0; (4) 2016-17 Program—$450,970,000; 2015-16 Program—$392,918,000; 2014-15 Program—$564,772,000; (8) recommends adoption. Funds have been included in the budget to cover this increase.

For additional information:

  • Statements of Policy

The Senate of Pennsylvania amends Chapter 7 (relating to Right-to-Know Law—statement of policy) to read as set forth in Annex A.

For additional information:


House 2018 Spring Session Schedule

  • April               9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 30
  • May                1, 2, 22, 23
  • June                4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30


Senate 2018 Spring Session Schedule

  • April               16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 30
  • May                1, 2, 21, 22, 23
  • June                4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29


Committee Schedule for the Week of April 2


  • No healthcare-related committee meetings have been scheduled for the week of April 2.


  • No healthcare-related committee meetings have been scheduled for the week of April 2.

Floor Schedule for the Week of April 2

House (from the Republican Week Ahead)

  • The House is not scheduled for session the week of April 2.

Senate (from the Senate Calendar)

  • The Senate is not scheduled for session the week of April 2.

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