Plan to join us for the Pennsylvania NABIP’s marquis event of the year as we gather, in person, with our fellow industry leaders at our annual conference to learn how our association is shaping healthcare policy both in Harrisburg and Washington DC, learn about the state of our insurance markets in Pennsylvania and meet with exhibitors who continue to deliver significant value to healthcare consumers.

You will not want to miss this event!




Driving Innovation at Humanity’s Tipping Point


John is a leader in the digital health movement with a background that is both eclectic and impressive. As the Founder and President of NostaLab, a digital health think tank that looks at empowering innovation via strategic and creative thinking, he will be joining us to engage and challenge us as we look to the future of the healthcare industry undergoing daily transformation by Artificial Intelligence.



Driving change that is changing the world. John’s informed voice has become a beacon of insight to help dissect and define innovation in health, medicine, and technology.


Not just a simple observer, John is directly engaged with top companies, thinkers and initiatives. His perspective is from the inside out and provides an “insiders” view of a complex and changing world.


John is consistently ranked among the top names in health technology and innovation. Beyond simply an influencer, he is also defined as “most admired” to “top disruptor” in technology, life sciences and medicine.


9-11:00am Optional Continuing Education courses – 3 to choose from, 2 credits each

Inside the Vision Health Industry, Presented by VBA

Earn 2 CE credits in PA                   PA CE #134620

This course provides an overview of vision health relative to employer groups and employees. Written and instructed by Matt Cuomo, the intent is to engage the audience by offering interactive dialogue and student participation. Ultimately, the goal of the course is to demonstrate how managed vision care positively impacts employer groups through lowering medical costs and increasing productivity.

Matt Cuomo, Vice President of Sales at VBA

Topics to be covered include:

  • Health Problems Associated with Vision Health
  • Solution
  • s for Vision Health
  • Goals of Managed Vision Care
  • Regulation Impacting Managed Vision Care
  • Future of Managed Vision Care






Presented by

The Future of our Healthcare System, Presented by Savoy

Earn 2 CE credits in PA          PA CE # 134775

The employer sponsored market is changing rapidly as employers respond to increased transparency requirements and fiduciary duties.  This course will help attendees learn about the tools that the major carriers use, the types of plans that the “insurgent” brokers are using, and how the market is changing in 2024 and beyond.

Peter Gualtieri,
Vice President, Savoy
Sara Simkins,
Senior Employer Services Specialist, Compliance Savoy

















Presented by







In partnership with







Unlock the Secrets of Reference-Based Pricing, Presented by Imagine360

Earn 2 CE credits in PA & NJ    PA CE #127114          NJ CE #88899315

Unlock the secrets of reference-based pricing (RBP), a cost-containment strategy used in healthcare and insurance to determine reimbursement rates for medical services and procedures. Instead of using traditional fee schedules or negotiated rates with healthcare providers, RBP sets reimbursement rates based on a reference point, often a benchmark or a percentile of what providers charge for a particular service.

The RBP approach is typically employed when there is limited or no existing agreement between the payer (e.g., an insurance company) and healthcare providers. Based on the measurable plan savings generated by RBP, the marketplace has seen a dramatic rise in popularity, with RBP now being considered by 20% of self-funded employers, up from 6% in 2016. Presenters Tom Wittick and Woody Waters will walk you through the basics of the RBP mechanism and the details accompanying this platform as more plan sponsors see it as their fiduciary obligation to explore this model.


Topics to be covered include:

•             Define RBP

•             Fundamental Tenants of RBP

•             Varying Degrees of RBP

•             Pre-sale: Understanding Buyer/Broker

•             Disputes that may Arise

•             RBP Service Platform Essentials

•             Calculating Total Cost to the Plan

•             Prospect Profile and Client Case Studies


Woody Waters, Co Founder Imagine 360
Tom Wittick, SVP of Growth, Imagine 360




















Presented by









In partnership with


11:00am General Attendee Registration & Exhibition Area Open

12:30pm Program, includes a seated luncheon

4:30-6:00pm Cocktail party with Vendors in Exhibition Area

A block of rooms has been reserved for attendees at the hotel adjoining the Drexelbrook Conference Center for both April 16th and 17th. Please click here to reserve a room at our discounted rate of $169 per night. FREE Parking. 

Presenting Sponsor

PA-NABIP Annual Conference

April 17, 2024
 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Over 60 exhibitors, Dynamic Guest Speakers
Optional Continuing education courses

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

PA-NABIP is Here - Kick Off Recording

Proud Benefactors